Customer Success Stories

We Have the Experience to Make Your Project Successful

Below are some projects we’ve done. If you’d like to discuss your project, please contact us.

City of Lloydminster

Smart Street Lighting

Sensors/controllers and wireless LoraWAN infrastructure to provide street lighting when and where needed. We also provided cloud-based software management tools.

We designed the system, installed, configured, and trained the customer in operation of the new systems.

Streetlights along College Drive now detect cars, pedestrians, and bikes and respond from a default dimmed level to full brightness, without sacrificing any safety and security.

This project won an international IES 2018 Illumination Award of Excellence for Energy & Environmental Lighting Design which recognizes quality lighting installations that incorporate advanced energy-saving strategies and environmentally responsible solutions into the design.

Equipment Used

  • Tvilight CitySense controllers
  • Citykinect IoT Network
  • Citykinect Icosphere cloud management software

Project Results

  • Enhanced reporting of traffic and pedestrian counts 24 x 7
  • Proactive reporting of lighting service issues
  • 42% realized energy savings
  • 35% maintenance cost savings

Why Us

We were one of the few companies in Canada able to deliver a complete smart street lighting solution with motion detection.

Smart street lighting reduces energy consumption and maintenance, and enhances public safety.

City of Victoria

Smart Street Lighting

Installed streetlight sensors/controllers and LoraWAN gateway. We consulted on the project from the beginning, after the city expressed a desire to test smart city technology.

We also helped set up the software to route data directly into a third-party GIS system.

Equipment Used

  • Tvilight CitySense controllers
  • Citykinect IoT Network

Project Results

The project helped Victoria test out new technologies that help promote a cleaner environment by using less energy.

Why Us

The City of Victoria approached us with the desire to test smart city technology largely because we had the most IoT expertise in the region.

City of Yellowknife

Smart Street Lighting

Sensors/controllers and wireless LoraWAN infrastructure to provide street lighting when and where needed. Sensors also detect tilt and vibration on poles caused by accidents, and send immediate notifications when detected.

We designed the system, installed, configured, and trained the customer in operation of the new systems. We also set up cloud-based software management tools.

Streetlights now respond to approaching cars, pedestrians, and bikes by raising brightness levels, and alert the city when conditions that could be a car accident are detected, enabling immediate response from ambulances.

Equipment Used

  • Ubicquia Ubicell smart lighting 
  • Citykinect IoT Network
  • Ubivu cloud management and reporting platform

Project Results

In addition to a dramatic reduction in energy use and more efficient allocation of maintenance resources, the city improved the safety along the streets where the smart lighting was implemented.

Why Us

The City of Yellowknife felt that we had more experience and would make a better long-term partner than any other company in Western Canada.

City of Surrey

Smart Parking

Sensors to detect the presence of a vehicle in the electric vehicle stalls on 2 floors of a parkade in Surrey.

Electric vehicle ownership in the Vancouver area has exploded in recent years, and the City of Surrey realized that there were not enough charging stations for the number of drivers wanting to use them. As a result, shoppers would take their business elsewhere.

We selected equipment including a gateway and chose a placement for it such that the wireless signal from a single unit was able to reliably penetrate to the second floor (through concrete and rebar), thus reducing the total cost.

Equipment Used

  • PNI vehicle detection sensors
  • Citykinect IoT Network
  • Openspot parking management data platform

Project Results

The city plans to integrate real-time parking stall availability with the free MySurrey smartphone app.

This maximizes the efficiency of EV changing stalls and the convenience keeps visitors returning to Surrey, which benefits the local economy.

Initially just a pilot project, city officials plans to roll out the technology to 500 EV parking spaces across the city.

Why Us

The City of Surrey appreciated the fact that we had a technology-agnostic approach to selecting equipment, and could handle the entire project from research and design to installation.

Although more time was spent researching and testing components, the net cost was less than what other companies were quoting.

Smart parking reduces emissions, provides greater convenience for drivers and helps the local economy.
We can help you achieve your IoT goals.
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