Citykinect Cellular

One SIM card for your IoT application that works everywhere.

Cellular Designed Specifically for Demanding IoT Applications

Priced for Low-Bandwidth IoT

Most IoT applications require less than 100 MB/month per device. Cellular data plans from large telcos are typically focused on high-bandwidth applications such as audio and video, and using them in your IoT application means you're paying a lot for bandwidth you won't use.

Multi-Carrier, Multi-Country Coverage

Citykinect Cellular works with over 300 carrier networks in over 200 countries worldwide. With permanent "roaming rights", it connects to the network with the best signal by default but will automatically and seamlessly switch to a different one when needed.

Flexibility and Minimal Commitment

You're not locked in for a long-term commitment like you are with other plans (where a 3-year term is the norm). After your initial 2-year term is complete, future payments are month-to-month only. Plus, plans may be cancelled at anytime with only a 3-month penalty.

Data Pooling

Your total amount of available data is spread among all devices, so devices consuming a lot of data are balanced out by those consuming very little, avoiding overage charges.

Easy to Provision and Support

Citykinect's SIMCenter is a mobile-friendly online portal that lets you provision each SIM card even in the field. Because you control the customer experience rather than the big telcos, you can pre-test before shipping, and not worry about supporting multliple services from multiple carriers.

Off-Season Billing Suspension

If you only need the service for part of the year, you can easily suspend all billing during the off-season.


Control the Full Solution Stack.

How is it better for your bottom line?


Ideal for Environmental Monitoring

Why is it ideal?

Environmental Monitoring


Win More Bids.

How can we help?



Citykinect Cellular provides greater reliability than you can achieve with a cellular service from any one particular telecommunications provider.

  • Hardware is pre-tested with cellular service before shipping.
  • Static IPs available.
  • Intuitive UI provides better support for troubleshooting.
  • Multi-carrier coverage and auto-rollover to contingency networks.
  • Manufacturers control full hardware and cellular transport technology stack.
  • Cross-border coverage.

Reduced Costs

Our data plans offer several opportunities to dramatically reduce your costs if you're using a service from any of the big telcos.

  • Priced specifically for low-bandwidth IoT applications. You don't need the same speed and bandwidth as a service intended for smartphones, so why pay for it?
  • Pooling across all SIM cards for cost optimization.
  • Suspend billing during off-season periods when service is not needed.
  • No support calls from customers trying to get their service working with your hardware. Cellular service is sold WITH the equipment with a single APN that works across multiple networks.

New Revenue Opportunities

If you sell cellular-enabled IoT devices, you can benefit from new revenue streams available when you resell Citykinect Cellular along with them.

  • Apply any markup to the cellular service you provide your customers.
  • Whitelabel opportunities available.
  • Recurring revenue coming to you rather than a big telecommunications company.
  • Better customer stickiness.

We Almost Called it "Headaches-B-Gone"

Do your customers call you for support when they can't get their cellular data service working with the hardware you sold them?
Have you had sales errors where the wrong hardware was sold for the cellular service used?
Ever wished you could reduce the number of BOMs in your ERP system?
Ever wished you could have visibility into the SIM and data plan activity or error logs?
Would you like to be able to ship complete, pre-configured, turnkey cellular dataloggers or gateways that just worked once powered on?
Ever wished your cellular service provider fully understood environmental monitoring and  IoT applications?

Citykinect Cellular may be perfect for you if you answered YES to any of these questions.

We'd love to tell you more.
Kinect With Us