Citykinect Cellular for Consultants

We understand what it’s like to be a consultant and how unfairly businesses like yours get treated by the telcos. Now there are other choices for your small bandwidth needs that are cost effective, bespoke tailored, and supported by people who understand your business.


Multiple Vendors

As a consultant, running a network of cellular connected devices can be difficult and confusing. Multiple billing rates, multiple vendors, and different configurations in equipment all add to the complexity.


Part of the consulting world is winning bids. High priced cellular plans add up over time, and cut into your profits, or worse make you less competitive trying to win bids.

Deployment and Cellular Coverage

Device location can have wildly varying coverage than what network provider’s maps show. As such, shipping an integrated device including a SIM card and data plan can be risky and lead to poor customer experience, or multiple site visits to “fix” something, which adds cost.


When something goes wrong with a cellular modem, it’s difficult to know what’s wrong and troubleshoot it. Telcos are ill-equipped to understand your equipment (it’s neither a smartphone nor a tablet) and power cycling a station 100km away might not be possible!


One Vendor, One Bill, One Pool of Data

Simplified billing with a single data pool that your SIM cards all draw out of. The cards that use less transfer their data to the cards that use more, automatically. And it's clear on one bill.

Lower Costs

We provide some of the lowest cost data plans in North America, with the highest service. Plus, you can suspend billing at any time and resume whenever you want.

Deployment and Cellular Coverage

One card works on multiple networks, so no matter where your station is going, it will have the highest chance to get the best signal from whatever carrier it can.

Provide Better Support and Reliability

We understand what it’s like trying to support remote equipment. Reliability is paramount. Having a partner that understands what you are trying to do, and the equipment you are using, is priceless. Did we mention you'll have your own Management Portal with easy-to-use logs to track down issues?

We'd love to tell you more.
Kinect With Us

Cellular Designed Specifically for Demanding IoT Applications

Priced for Low-Bandwidth IoT

Most IoT applications require less than 100 MB/month per device. Cellular data plans from large telcos are typically focused on high-bandwidth applications such as audio and video, and using them in your IoT application means you're paying a lot for bandwidth you won't use.

Multi-Carrier, Multi-Country Coverage

Citykinect Cellular works with over 300 carrier networks in over 200 countries worldwide. With permanent "roaming rights", it connects to the network with the best signal by default but will automatically and seamlessly switch to a different one when needed.

Flexibility and Minimal Commitment

You're not locked in for a long-term commitment like you are with other plans (where a 3-year term is the norm). After your initial 2-year term is complete, future payments are month-to-month only. Plus, plans may be cancelled at anytime with only a 3-month penalty.

Data Pooling

Your total amount of available data is spread among all devices, so devices consuming a lot of data are balanced out by those consuming very little, avoiding overage charges.

Easy to Provision and Support

Citykinect's SIMCenter is a mobile-friendly online portal that lets you provision each SIM card even in the field. Because you control the customer experience rather than the big telcos, you can pre-test before shipping, and not worry about supporting multliple services from multiple carriers.

Off-Season Billing Suspension

If you only need the service for part of the year, you can easily suspend all billing during the off-season.
